Friday, September 19, 2008


Last night I made out my will. Correction- about a week ago I called Miotherlawyer and asked if he could make me out a will? "Sure." he said. Then he asked who I wanted as executor? I told him and we made an appt. to meet last night.
Miotherlawyer had moved since I went to him last. "You know where the Taco Bell is out by Playtogs?" he asked. I knew exactly where that was. I had shot a Disposable TV episode in that building. I had tried to get into the Middletown Beauty School. I got rejected. It made for good disposable TV. So I went up to the third floor and walked in his door. His name was in crayon on a piece of paper taped to the glass door. The gold leaf was pending. Miotherlawyer's secretary had my will waiting. The office was a clusterfuck of piled papers and the most gawdawful motel art on the walls. As I read the will the secretary talked to her sister on the phone. Miotherlawyer just stood there and eventually whispered that "We have to wait for her." She showed no signs of getting off the line. I finally had to go in the other room and read a Time magazine. When she got off the line, we went in a third room with a big tacky table and Miotherlawyer read me the will. There was no questions about being of sound mind or body. I guess that's only in the movies. I signed. He signed. She witnessed. One hundred and fitty bucks. Done and done. This is why I go to Miotherlawyer for such codicil duty. Can you imagine what Mi "knife throwing, martini swilling, high priced southern" lawyer would charge?
Once done I got in my pristine 1984 stepside F-150 Ford pickup, with vanity plates and drove back up the mountain. I swore I would never make out a will, never go to Disneyland and never get vanity plates. Now look at me. OH! And I saw two nice bucks behind Ray Gilkey's barn this morning. Can the Magic Kingdom be far behind?

Indicative of the meltdown of certain feduciary instruments like toxic mortgages and those policys that insure their worth, I am responding to a trend by the public to seek refuge in concrete comodities like gold or art. Due to this shift, I have raised my price for a 54"x90" collage to $20,00. Don't you wish you bought one over the summer?

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