Wednesday, November 4, 2009


   The past couple of nights I've been having dinner with Savage Lynch and Unki Harold over at Paradise Pond. Their wive's have left them to their own devices for a couple of weeks, so they have extended the invite to me to revel with them in their "Hairy Manhood". Each night we have a group hug, pray to be more in tune with our feelings, pour ourselve's  some stiff drinks and form a drum circle. Unki Harold tried to make the bathroom into a sweat lodge but the place filled up with smoke. Mrs. Unki Harold is not going to be pleased. I told him building a fire in a plastic tub would not work. 
   I've known these men since childhood. And now since we are of a "certain age" our conversation can often drift towards our various aches and pains. To be honest, the three of us are in pretty good shape. Sure Savage and I both have glaucoma and Unki H. has some injuries from his many years as a prison guard in the crazy house, but all in all we don't have much to bitch about. One of my complaints is having a butt so skinny that hours on end in a tree stand causes it to flatten out like a leaky tire burning rubber. And for some unknown reason my right leg has gone into a crack of dawn spasm that you can set your watch by. This should work to my favor, rousting me from my golden slumbers, and getting me into a tree before dawn. But, in fact, I fight it and burrow deeper into the covers. 
  So, this morning I sit in my ratty robe blogging, instead of deer hunting. But yesterday i did get up. I had a four pointer under my stand and a big doe out in the field. Eventually he ran off the doe in a desperate attempt to get a little. She wasn't having it. It would be like a pimply faced teenager humping  Heidi Klum's long leg. "Leave the runway!" This little exchange told me that the rut is starting to heat up.

Now Savage Lynch's DEER REPORT: I saw a big racked buck crossing the road down by the Thompsonville post office at 10 am and another golf buddy saw a monster on Goodwill rd. in Montgomery, heading for the high School.  Otherwise it's been quiet. Go Yankees! 

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