Monday, December 7, 2009


   Yesterday I came out the woods (empty handed once again) and noticed a bloody shell casing on my door. Searching for my glasses, I checked the caliber. It was a 30.06. I know at least two people who shoot this caliber gun- Bird and Savage. I called Bird and got no answer. My next call was to Savage Lynch. "What's the report?" I asked.


   I had to go to the lake to close some stuff up and asked Dad if he wanted to go for a ride. We pulled in and as I was backing the truck in the drive I noticed a deer standing about 60 yards in the woods. It looked like a buck. I pulled up the binocs and it was a good 8 with high brow tines. I had brought along the .06. "Hand me the gun." Dad said. "Dad, you don't want to shoot that deer from inside the truck, do you?" There was no response. I guess that answered my question. 
   So I turned off the truck, chambered a shell, and grabbed a pile of coats. Dad slowly opened his door and got out. He laid the coats across the hood and steadied for a shot. The buck just stood there. He wasn't happy with the shot so he moved to the truck bed. That wasn't right either. "Can you pull the truck up a little?" he asked. I started the engine and inched up a little. Finally he was happy. When he shot, the buck hunched and ran. "I think I put a good shot on him." I wanted to let him lay, so I made dad wait while I did my chores and found a knife down at Mibro's. This drove him crazy. He found first blood. The buck had run about 40 yards. Turned out it was a four on one side and a big 10 inch spike on the other. Dad was tickled pink. We gutted him out with one of Mibro's steak knives.

   Editor's Note: If this had been anyone but Savage, that buck would've bolted. For some reason he has the ability to hypnotize the beasts. Congrats to Little Beaver. Tomorrow I'm hunting with Savage. I'll be in his hip pocket until I draw blood.

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