There's a hillbilly church down in Florida with a congregation of about 50 who plans on burning the Koran on the front lawn on September 11, 2010. I just heard this past Sunday's ignorant, mean spirited, grasp for attention sermon on NPR. Gen. P. the Supreme Commander in Afghanistan has issued a press release stating that this could cost American lives. All of a sudden there is a flurry of press for this up coming event and the church that plans it. What the fuck is the General and NPR thinking? Look, I'm all for freedom of expression. My church burns dollar bills and once and a great while a flag or two and no one is the worse for it. No one gets incensed. No one even notices. But when everyone starts to notice these mouth breathing, slack jawed dumb fucks in Florida, whose fault is it? Do you think Al Qaeda would have known about this without "our" help?
I'm the first one to admit that fundamentalists of all faiths are a pretty humorless bunch. If you believe God's big greasy hot dog fingers grasped the celestial quill and penned the Torah, Koran, Bible and The Book of Mormon....well Scientology is looking level headed. So it's no surprise that these yahoos in FLA. are having a Koran burning fest just to piss off the Moslems. The Moslems above all other faiths are obviously the easiest to piss off. So in response I will allow congregants to have a Bible burning bon fire for the Oct. 9th services. This in no way is to piss off all Christians, merely the idiot fundamentalists with no sense of humor. IT'S JUST A BOOK, PEOPLE!*
*You will still have to burn a dollar. In green we trust.
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