Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Only the oaks are still holding onto their leaves. The wind has finally died down and the temps have turned Indian Summer mild. Half way into week two of the season and still not much to report. Yesterday I went out to WSS in order to complete a punch list at WSSP and WSSP II and figured I'd bring the bow and hunt behind Shewho's. There's an old hillbilly stand (just steps leading up into tree branches) that sits right on a trail leading into an old orchard/swamp. I climbed up and settled in for the last two hours of daylight. The south wind was right in my face. I heard a twig snap, turned my head and locked eyes with a nice doe 10 yards behind me. When she went behind a tree i slowly reached for the bow. She either caught the movement or winded me. She spun and disappeared into the thick stuff. And that was it. Oh yeah, on the drive home I saw a six pointer just above the bridge.
As frustrating as the hunt has been, I've been thoroughly enjoying myself. I get up before dawn, hit the woods until about 8:30, come home, post a video or two on Youtube, pick up the guitar and practice some new song, talk to Shewho, maybe write a little on the blog, go to the get the idea. It's like I'm retired (if I ever really had a job). I look forward all year to hunting season. If I can afford it I set these few months aside to hunt and do art exclusively. Never selling any of my work or getting press used to really irritate me. But now I've finally gotten to the point that I could really give a shit. After the last church someone suggested I get a NYC writer to hype it. Why? What could be the possible benefit of promoting a dollar burning church? We are already at SRO capacity. It's not like I need more dollars burned.
So the season grinds on. It's dark and raining today. It's a good day to wash my gear, do my dirty dishes and plan my next move. Hour after hour sitting in a tree affords one the time to do a lot of thinking. I know I've said in the past that i really didn't care about the approval of the artworld or inclusion into their reindeer games....only to bitch later about my persistent obscurity. But now I think I finally have come to grips with it. My work is as good as it's ever been and I'm producing constantly. Eventually the rut will kick in. If I'm lucky I'll shoot a nice buck. I have the love and support of a good woman, family and a nice little underground forming here in my corner of the Catskills. Do I need the artworld? Naw. Will I go viral? I doubt it. But maybe if I dress the cats as little green men and juggle them while playing the church organ.....where's my camera?

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