Sunday, November 21, 2010


But first the report: Old Bob got a doe, Vic shot a seven pointer, Young Bob missed two monsters with the bow and is in a deep funk. Young Mike was about to draw down on a giant 7 when his wifey GG called him on the phone. I do couples counseling. Just saying. Buddy Budde got a six and passed on a big bear. He rocks the pack so far. I wounded a buck and Waders shot a scraggly spike, even after we told him 6 or better in the back, or take a doe. But he whined something about his new apartment, expensive out of state tag and empty fridge, so I guess we'll let him slide. Milawyer and Savage haven't checked in yet.

This morning I finally got a taste of the Rut Show. I was trying a new spot on Majestic, hunkered down beside a tree and it started at first light. I heard "crunch-crunch" and a doe wandered slowly to my left at 30 yards. Then another deer behind her.....another doe. They moved off and within a couple of minutes a third doe came from the other direction. Then all of the sudden there was a buck- a four with brow tines.....a hot doe and another spike. The woods came alive with snorting, chasing and running away. They never knew I was there. It all lasted maybe 15 minutes. Then the woods went still. By 10am I'd not seen another deer.
This afternoon I went back and staked down a little camo pop-up blind. It's my new toy- totally light, portable and fast. It's a full moon, so nothing moved until right before dark. Another pair of spikes worked their way in front of me, scratching for acorns. But I found a six inch diameter tree tore up and cut a four inch track in the mud. Although Buddy did say the llama keeps getting loose, so it could be his print. Either way the llama didn't scar that tree. I think I'm ready to try to hunt the big one.........or like Waders......I do need meat. Next legal deer may die.

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