Tuesday, July 26, 2011


"Welcome back to the art world." This is what my friend art critic Chuck McCormick said after the second backwards misstep. MO David North has been in existence since Memorial Day and we've hung one show and canceled three. The first cancelation was the Alix Lambert/ Kembra Pfaler show. This was taken in stride. We wanted the first show to run a little longer anyway, so we gladly put off showing these two. That also gave us a little more time to coordinate the Cuban show- Riviera Norte. Now, as most people know that show went belly up. The boat sank. How many Cubans does it take......? Pick a reason. But the latest fuck up has got me wondering just what the hell I'm doing back in this world. The planned September show of the late, great and mightily obscure American impressionist Ethelbert B. Crawford now looks like it will not take place.
   As the locals know the paintings of EBC hang in the library of the same name in Monticello, NY. My gallery partner Samm and i fell in love with the work and  have been in negotiations since March in order to mount this show. We........

As I'm writing this a carload of Hassidic kids pulls over on my lawn. They get out and start taking pictures with their cell phones of the MO David North GOD LOVES FAGS billboard in Hebrew script. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. Can't count the thumbs up I've gotten from everyone- Hassidics included. Then I hear a loud noise. The motherfuckers are kicking the sign from the back, breaking the plywood in two. I run outside. But it's too late. They jump in the car and are gone. I can't get the plate #. Step 4 backward. I'm too disgusted to write anymore. 

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