Monday, April 16, 2012


  With Memorial Day weekend looming the Catskill Social Season is already heating up. A small wrinkle in our plans is the cancelation of THE WAY TOO GAY NOT BLACK ENOUGH EMERGENCY CIRCUS FOXY BOXING CHURCH. Even though the last church was way back in October the CLGM's unpreparedness is predictably in effect. A hastily called meeting of the elders in order to discuss the "issues" involved in working with an evolving theology, with no concise mandate, doctrine, dogma nor direction, left us with more shrugged shoulders and crinkled eyebrows than usual. My suggestion of more rehearsals was met with stoney silence. As far as "acts" were concerned all we had was Sister Nun of Your Business' willingness to strap on the gloves and wet down her habit in order to take on all comers.....when she was unexpectedly called away on family matters. This left us with nothing. In the old days this would not slow us down, but it's a new world order and THE BAND OF ALL FAITH lynch pin Sarah "Birka" Budde's condition of "ready to pop out a spawn", as well as the other member's lacksidazical attitude forced my hand.
   But not to worry. Over the weekend I had dinner with famed smut peddler Sailor Ricky and his lovely wife Tinka out at Chuck and Tessa's WSSP II. The Sailor is about to launch a line of panties in Japan and Tinka is working on a show of her "essence" for a NYC gallery. This church power couple agreed that we should move services to Solstice weekend- which would make it Sat. June 23: a Temple. Far from being carved in stone, this could work. One of the big complaints regarding services has been too few themes. So I thought I'd add Electric Solstice to our existing line up. Chuck thinks he has a caterer for the condiments. Stick out yer tongue. By then the little Budde will be plenty old enough to baptize, Sister NOYB will be in fighting shape, Mystery Girl will have her pants off and hopefully the Band of All Faiths will be rehearsed. Pencil in the date.
   In the meantime Memorial Weekend is still on for the artsy stuff. Kristan Kohl will be showing work from 1952 at Diamond Dave's BARn on Sat. May 26, 6-8 pm. Then on Sunday I figured we can do a relaxed sunset BBQ and disco up at the church, where I will show work nevershown before. Remember bring your own meat, drinks and drugs. I'll supply the fire. Also if I can get the library board's approval, I plan to show my work alongside Ethelbert B. Crawford at The Monticello Library. In an attempt to get more art fags to appreciate EBC's amazing work, hidden in this obscure outpost I'll hang my equally obscure work alongside his. The social season is upon us. Gas up the minivan and make your reservations now. Summer will be over before you know it.

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