Friday, May 4, 2012

SO FAR.....

First let me say the weather has sucked. It's rained every day this week. The only reason I'm sitting here writing this right now is it's raining...AGAIN! The only thing worse than rain for turkey hunting is wind. I'm waiting for that to kick up. But even with the rain I've been on birds. Let's recap.

Tues. morning Milawyer and I were no sooner behind Diamond Dave's BARn then we heard a gobble. The hillbilly that DD bought his place from took the cash, put it in coffee cans and now lives in a conglomeration of tarp shacks back in the woods. His only entertainment is feeding the deer and turkey. I'm sure he won't miss one or two. Pigpen Rothman had informed me that the gobbling turkeys had been waking him up every morning for a month. Even in the pouring rain we were not disappointed.
   It took about a half hour for the birds to drop from the roost. They were gobbling all around us. It was like the good old days up in Cooperstown. I knew they were close but in the dark thick woods I couldn't see anything. Then I saw Milawyer raise his gun. I softened my calling... and waited. The 12 ga. report echoed down the ridge. 50 yards away a turkey was flopping. Success! Milawyer was all smiles and I was delighted. I'd much rather get a bird for a friend than shoot one myself. And to guide and get a Bird for deer hunting guru Savage Lynch's brother? Well that was the cherry on the sundae. After coffee Milawyer proudly took his prize home and I went back in the woods.
   The rest of the week has been a series of missteps, fuck ups, hens, fog and rain. My opening day feeling that I would have multiple birds in the freezer by week's end quickly vanished. I've spooked birds, had hens steal them right out from under me, and lately not even been able to find them. As I said before the weather has sucked. The only thing I've had the gun on was a coyote, but he was too far out to do any damage. The past couple of days they've stopped roost gobbling. So this morning I slept in. I'm sure I'll get a call from Pigpen informing me of the action at dawn. Oh well. i needed the sleep. It's 7:00 am and they won't be strutting past my couch. So I have to stop this stupid writing and get in the woods.

ART NEWS: Munch's SCREAM sold at auction for $120 mil. Rumor has it Glen Wild art patron Diamond Dave wrote the check. Way to go DD!  

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