Monday, June 18, 2012


For the first 7 or 8 years I spent up here on the mountain things were kinda quiet. Then I got divorced and more and more "city people" started moving up. First came GNJohn, then Slick, the Buddes, Shewho, Sister NOYB, Diamond Dave, etc., etc. We all came separate of one another. Church started up again and before you knew it the Sullivan County underground was  in full swing. My small crowd of locals and old skool hipsters mixed well with the new bunch of beautiful youngsters. You never know who's gonna show up.
    One of the best sources of newcomers is Slick and Beeks' Outlier Inn. This little bed and breakfast is drawing 'em like flies. Hardly a week goes by that I don't get a call from the Inn informing that some guests are coming my way to check out the gallery and church. Yesterday I got the call that Luigi Fellini (Frederico's grandson) was heading my way with 3 beautiful women. Then, just like out of the movies, here comes the Firebird and a flat black Triumph driven by a smoking dutch babe. Everyone piles out and the tour begins. I'm not one of those guys who thinks he has nothing in common with the youth, or apologizes for being old. Age has its advantages if you own it. The girls and Fellini were smiling and taking it in.
   The Fellini crowd was headed to Paradise pond so I said maybe I would join them later. I DO know how to picnic, so I picked up a couple of six packs and some chips and headed for the pond. Just as I was descending the steps to the lake I saw the boat pulling away from the dock. "AHOY!" I hollered "You need beer?" They smiled and waved me off. They said they were heading for the island. I was content to pull a chair on the dock, crack a beer and watch the fluffy clouds. The boat was full. So there I sat, eating chips drinking 1, 2, 3 beers. The sun moved west. An hour and a half later I saw the boat returning. But surprisingly it the kept to the far side of the lake. I could just make out Fellini standing up, taking a leak while the boat turned around and headed back into the sunset. And it was gone. I was crushed. Had this suave Italian just out pimped my pimp hand? Hell, I could sit and drink alone anytime. I grabbed my chips and drove home. On the way I stopped by the Trading Post. The girl looked up and asked if I had a discount. I had no idea what she was talking about. "Are you 65?" she asked in response to my quizzical look. That was all I needed. Anyone got any beard dye?  

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