Monday, November 30, 2020


 The report: I haven't seen a shooter buck since bow season. But, I'm still seeing deer- does and small bucks. The same can't be said for my hunting buddies. Savage: Another bout with 24 hour Covid has only added to his misery of not seeing anything. This guy has had the virus more times than I can count. It never puts him down for long. One eye and a persistent case of the bug, he is still the best deer hunter I know.  Milawyer: his idea of deer hunting is to don his well made hunting togs, load his fancy gun, and get in "the office" (the famously comfortable ladder stand) just behind his cabin around 3pm. He's back, drink in hand in his long johns, for 4:45 pm cocktail hour. "I know you like to hunt big bucks," he informs me with not just a little judgement, "but for me it's wonderful just to be in the woods." Seeing deer for him is unnecessary, as he counts bluebirds and whistles a happy tune. He is also seeing nothing--deservedly so. Bird: He hunted hard all the first week of gun, passed on a couple of small bucks and saw a bunch of does. So far the safety has not been clicked off his rifle. He went back to work today. I told him years ago if he wants to shoot big bucks quit that job! UB is seeing nothing on the farm near Little Britain. Because of EHD he's not even hunting. For this farmer and hardcore deer hunter not to take the time off during gun season is unheard of. Disease is a bitch for all us mammaliens. And finally GHPhoto: According to a recent email, he hasn't seen a tail since bow season, when he saw a giant buck crossing the creek. As GHPhoto hunts the Esopus area, a monster could show up at any moment on camera. Even though I invited him to Sullivan County to at least see deer in daylight, he's hanging tough in the high country. More power to him. Those mountains are straight up and down. And the weather? That sucks for all of us.

    Just as I wrote this the satellite internet went out. See what I mean? Pounding rain and sporadic thunderstorms have us all inside today. Unseasonably warm weather has plagued the entire season. Add EHD and Covid to the warm temps and I feel very lucky to have shot Carol Doda. Deer movement is spotty and as my hunting permission seems to be shrinking daily, a big mature buck on the ground looks like an unattainable task. So today I'm making buck's head soup.

 Buck's Head Soup recipe:

   Shoot a good buck. Butcher deer and put meat in freezer. Skin head of buck and remove innards (eyes, tongue, etc.). Put skull in pot of boiling water. Boil for about an hour. Remove skull and let cool. Scrape all meat from skull. Drill 1" hole in back of skull and remove brain. Then place skull (up to antlers) in 1/2 bleach 1/2 water solution. Let remain overnight. Toss soup out the door and make a wish.

    This front is supposed to pass and the weather is going to clear by late morning tomorrow, December 1st. That's the time to be in the woods. 22 more days. I think you can guess what I wished for.        

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