I spent Climate Day dealing with the little green pipe. After a lot of inaction from NGOs and politicians I decided to go directly to the source- Del El Foods. It was as easy as going on the website. Here's the exchange:
To whom it may concern,
I am writing in regard to a waste pipe (see attached) coming directly from your egg breaking facility in Town of Fallsburg. This pipe is across from a spot that the community uses to swim, fish and recreate. I own the Church of the Little Green Man on Old Glen Wild Rd. about a mile as the crow flies to the east of the Gibber/Deb el property. Can you tell me what is coming out of this pipe? Kids are swimming downstream while this pipe belches liquid. At the very least it is an unsightly intrusion in an otherwise idyllic and pristine spot. It may be harmful to the river eco system or humans. That’s a mystery. I grew up near here and have lived at the church for 26 years. I cherish that spot and this unique Neversink River area. Would you kindly tell me what is coming out of that pipe? I would hope a better solution could be found to address whatever waste material is being dumped into the river. Thank you for your time.
Mike Osterhout
Hi Mike,
My name is Travis Steimle I am the chief operator of Deb El Foods and represent JCO their contract operations company.
I understand you have some concerns about what may be the sewer discharge piping. I would love to take this opportunity to have you show me the concerns that you may have.
Perhaps you and I can make a time to meet at the site to show you how seriously Deb El takes its waste treatment. I would also like for you to show me the location of the photo provided to see if in fact this is the outfall location of the facility. Deb El Foods staffs their wastewater facility 24/7 by licensed water professionals. Mr. Gibber has gone to great lengths to limit his organizations impacts on the local community. We are proud to reduce ecological impacts by adhering to strict regularly guidelines set forth by not only New York State, but Deb El Foods itself.
I will be on-site tomorrow morning around 9AM if you'd like to meet sometime around then.
As far as the line being relocated that is not something that could be done if this is in-fact the outfall of the facility. This outfall was specified by the State of New York because of its proximity to the River. Leach field or overland discharge wastewater facilities are being phased out in New York. Overland discharge facilities are a more harmful alternative when there is a receiving body of water nearby because of the overland facilities contribution to the water table.
I hope this helps and I hope to hear from you soon,
I wish you and your family all the best in this troubled times and look forward to the opportunity to meet with you.
I think we can agree that this pipe comes from the Deb el facility. Still happy to show it to you, but don’t see the need for us to freeze our feet. As I understand your email the discharge must go directly in river and not into a leech field or flow down hill because of possible water table contamination. So again, my question would be what exactly is being discharged and is there any danger swimming in proximity (upstream or downstream) from this “outfall” pipe? I appreciate your willingness to be completely transparent. Kids spend a lot of time in that water during the summer months.
All the best,
The last email from Travis:
The outfall photographed is:
Outfall #001
NYS SPDES #NY0272779
Held by: Deb El Foods
Regulated by:
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region 3
21 South Putt Corners Rd, New Paltz, NY, 12561
New York State DEC Regional Contact: 845-256-3000
Shall you have any additional questions or concerns please direct them to the contact number provided above.
I appreciate your inquiry and hope you have a wonderful day,
At that I contacted the DEC. Susan Cockburn assures me she's on it. The ball is in their court. The question before Deb el and now the DEC is what is coming out of that pipe? Stay tuned.
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