If you travel north on the NYS Thruway and head west on Rt. 17 (Future 86), within 2 1/2 hours of downtown Manhattan you will reach Agloe, NY. Look at your map. Just north of Roscoe, at the intersection of Rt. 206 and Morton Hill Road, stop and look around. What do you see? Nothing. You are in Agloe.
Agloe is what is known as a "fictitious entry," a spot on the map, purposefully drawn in and notated in order to maintain copyright for the mapmakers. I live about 30 miles from Agloe. As the country wrestles with an insurrection that is unfolding ideologically, not geographically, I would nominate Agloe as the capitol of Trump Nation. It is fitting that the first truly "Real Estate" President be granted a fictitious entry as the seat of their homeland. Because of his functional illiteracy the idea of a brick and mortar Presidential Library seems unnecessary. Nonetheless one could be built with steel salvaged from THE WALL where the Agloe General Store once stood. The Panic Room could replace the Reading Room.
Fighting an enemy that is embedded amongst us, one that lives and breathes lies perpetuated by "news" outlets like FOX, OAN, and NewsMax, and conspiracy theories by the likes of QAnon is difficult....but not impossible. The next eight days are crucial, but it will not end there. Thinking this will all go away with the swearing in of the Biden administration would be a dangerous move. Pompeo, Cruz, Hawley, Jordan, and even Trump will not relinquish power voluntarily. The echo chambers of falsity will continue, fueled by the ugly and the ignorant's willingness to consume "fictitious entries" all across the global map.
Trump's call to violence has been embraced by his faithful base. His after the fact, disingenuous, calls for "no violence" will fall on deaf ears. It's a "wink-wink" last ditch effort to paint (once again) his second impeachment as another "witch hunt." The faithful hang on this despot's every word. It's too easy to paint Republican Trump supporters as all wing nuts. Would that this were true. For every heavily tattooed failed actor in face paint, sporting a buffalo hat, there's ten angry Methodist ministers in the basement or 100 insurance salesmen fiddling just purchased AR-15s in the garage to worry about. I'm having a little trouble signing up for Parler. If any Republican is reading this please spread the word- GATHER IN AGLOE on the 20th. Trump will pardon you ALL! All you need is a cell phone and a home address. The state troopers will get back to you. Remember. We love you all.
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