Friday, January 29, 2021


    Like many, I grew up being told to "Always tell the truth." Putting myself in the position of any parent, a lying child must be a handful. Invisible friends and fantastical stories aside, pathological lying, when allowed to bloom unchecked, is not healthy. I've had a few girlfriends who suffered from the malady.  Liars and thieves used to be looked down upon in society. No more.

   I have no problem being honest. I can readily admit I haven't always told the truth. I can also admit that every time I told a lie I was well aware of speaking the untruth. We artists try to access "truth" in our work.....even when we are lying. After four years of Trump's thousands of lies (big and little) half of America is now convinced that a liar in office is not only acceptable, it is preferred. The lies have become a source of comfort for Republicans. 

   The only thing that comes close to this mass hysteria is religion. Virgin birth and zombie sightings after the afternoon crucifixion became the basis for Christianity. Set your critical thought aside and suspend disbelief. Have faith. We've been here before. The power of a lie can be very difficult to combat. Trump started his rise to power with the "birther" lie that Obama was not born in the U. S. He showed how easy it was to implant doubt in every corner of the zeitgeist. In 2017 some bored douche on 4chan came up with the lie of "Q." Flat earthers, erstwhile pedophile-fighters and Trumpies rejoiced! It was a lie whose time had come.  

    Disproving a lie takes a lot of time and energy. Debunking so-called "Fake News" and "fact checking" became an industry in corporate media; while the unregulated recesses of social media spread lies like runny fertilizer. Global capitalism realized how well product, political thought and services flourished and sold when lovingly nestled in a bed of stinky lies. This was nothing new for Big Tech or their advertisers. The entire advertising industry is based on the lies of softer hair, sweeter smelling arm pits and well oiled bowels. What havoc could Edward Bernays have wreaked given the internet? (google it!)

   How hard would it be to put a little truth serum in that Astra-Zeneca vaccine? What would a shot of sodium pentothal do to the patient if injected into the arm of America? What could it hurt? The fact that 70 million Republicans voted for Trump, after being fed a steady diet of lies year after year, reveals just how deeply the infection rate is. Old, fat, white people with bad skin seem to be the most susceptible. Sadly it's not lethal, but the side effects of the disease are extreme. Patients develop an extreme sense of victimization, an unnatural desire to purchase Trump swag and scream "USA, USA...." at the top of their lungs. They are easy to spot. If I was into conspiracy theories I would say it's happening as we speak. The more vaccines we get into the arms of the infected, delusional,  Republican Trump apologists and conspiracy crackpots the closer we will get to herd immunity. And just maybe they will be open to seeing the lies and the damage they are doing. THAT'S the truth!                


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