Wednesday, January 6, 2021


As Trumpies take over the Capitol I was reminded of Carlo's take on the Lost Cause back in the summer.

Take it away Carlo:

 "I must warn you that there is no winning when it comes to losers. and losers are what these people are, not only in our understanding of history but in their own construction of it. the confederate flag, all those monuments, popular movies like gone with the wind or birth of a nation, and the ongoing white grievance that our president magnifies are all part of a deliberate rewriting of history called the "lost cause narrative." perpetrated by the southern states in the immediate aftermath of the war and fully enabled by the north (where a vast majority of confederate monuments were manufactured) as a way to bring the union back together during reconstruction, this revisionist history maintains a great nobility in their failure. they were not traitors to a nation but defenders of states rights, they were not brutal slave holders but benevolent guardians of happy savages who could not survive on their own, they were chivalrous champions of white christian virtue, and great, heroic soldiers who were simply overwhelmed by the far greater numbers and industrial might of the union forces. this narrative, even if now denuded of its overt klan trappings, still continues for somewhere between 30-40% of white america today. I mention all this because we not only need to understand the ahistorical roots of this false narrative but the pathological psychology around it. this is a mindset that is only reified by being in the unpopular minority and that finds victory in its lost cause. unlike most of you I've never set eyes on lindsay, and I've always had more black friends than white racists in my life, but putting your call for tolerance aside let me assure you I know her type. with the arrogance of ignorance, they are proud of their false heritage."

    All this by Prof. Carlo referred to some cracker in Mountain Dale flying the Confederate flag off the back of her Jeep. Six months later we see the Lost Cause 2020 of Trump rise again and bleed onto the Capitol steps, and lounge in Nancy Pelosi's chair. The Republicans are truly losers. Even Georgia tipped the Senate blue. GEORGIA! The new Lost Cause is not limited to geographic location. It is a mob ideology spawned and spurred on by an amoral thug with no sense of ideology. The lizard brain that Trump somehow titillates in the squishy noggins of half the country has bullets flying inside the People's House.  The peaceful transfer of power is being sorely tested by Trump's minions and the President's egging on. Even his short Twitter video asking his faithful , all "great folks," to stand down and go home was little help. He moaned "You've been screwed..... We've been screwed, fucked royally, but......" Thanks a lot Mr. President.  No help. It's 5pm January 6th. Rudy the Christmas Rabbit may have been a sign. Bad things to come.   

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