Where have I been? Physically I haven't gone anywhere. But mentally I've been riding the time machine 300 plus years into the past.....again. I realized my first attempt at writing my family history was less than successful so went at it once more. This process requires much reading, writing and editing. It still isn't done but I think I have a better handle on it. A little mental space has opened up so it being the first month of the 2021 bow season, I decided to return to HWS.
Trump is gone (sort of). The pandemic persists. Biden is a disappointment and Dave Chappell is in deep shit with the trans/woke community. Alec Baldwin killed his DP on his movie set and I reached out to the one Hollywood functionary I know to find out how such an avoidable accident could happen. Here's his response:
A complete and utter fuck up. These people were terrible, bottom of the barrel crew. The AD will be held accountable and the armorer girl will be held accountable and rightly so.
1. Live rounds are prohibited on film sets.2. A professional set does not allow functioning weapons, we exclusively have guns with blocked barrels.
3. Someone used these guns for target practice with live ammo. A criminal act in itself.
That’s how the live round ended up in the gun.
4. Not even a blind person confuses a live round with a blank! They are totally different as you know.
5. The AD took the gun and handed it to Baldwin saying it’s “cold” but he didn’t check it. That is criminal negligence. I check every gun religiously on my sets each time it is handed to an actor, I announce to the crew what I have seen (how many rounds are in the in the gun, etc) and invite any crew member to check for themselves before the gun is handed over. It is a “bulletproof” system.
6. Baldwin is a producer on the film. He might be in trouble as well.
Too bad I missed Sam’s party. But I wrote her.
Good luck hunting
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