Thursday, January 6, 2022



Fallsburg says ‘yes’ to cannabis


FALLSBURG— One of the last major decisions made by the Fallsburg Town Board in 2021 was choosing to allow cannabis dispensaries and consumption sites within the town.

After recreational cannabis became legal in New York State in April of 2021, towns and villages had until last Friday, December 31 to choose whether or not they wanted to opt-out of having cannabis businesses in the town.

Last week while voting on a law that would see the town opt-out, Fallsburg Supervisor Steve Vegliante and Councilmembers Nathan Steingart and Rebecca Pratt voted “no”, while Councilmembers Joe Levner and Michael Weiner voted “yes.”

Therefore the law failed to pass and they automatically opted-in.

Vegliante, who voted “no” to opting out, said before casting his vote that he had traveled to Massachusetts — a state where recreational cannabis has been legal for the past five years — and he was impressed by the cannabis stores he visited in a fact-finding trip.

“I’m pretty blown away by the professionalism, the level of security and oversight,” said Vegliante.

Moreover, Vegliante has said the town should not pass on any positive economic impact that cannabis businesses could bring to the town.

Once recreational sales begin, the state will tax the product 13 percent and, of that amount, nine percent goes to the state while four percent goes to the counties and municipalities.

Of that four percent, one percent goes to the county and three percent goes to the town.
Councilmember Levner, who voted to opt-out, said he is not against the use of cannabis, but “it’s just that there are too many unknowns right now.”

Levner said in past meetings that regulations were not fleshed out from the state yet and recently cited potentially damaging health concerns over the use of cannabis and the dangers of driving while impaired.

The Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) held its first meeting in October of 2021. It took quick steps in medical-use regulations by allowing the whole flower to be sold at medical dispensaries.

Previously, the dispensaries were only selling vape oils, chewable tablets, and ground flower products.

Former NY-42 State Senator Jen Metzger, who now sits on The Office of Cannabis Management board, told WJFF Radio Catskill in a recent interview that towns and villages might not see any dispensaries open until 2023 due to the licensing process.

    Rarely do I pull a newspaper article and re-publish it, but this one out of the Sullivan County Democrat is big news and I wanted to share it. Also, having some time on I my hands I thought I could put off renovating my bathroom and try to start a marijuana dispensary. Why not? Every money making idea I've ever had in my entire life has ended disastrously, costing me money. Well, that's one reason. Aside from that, I don't see how I could fail. CLGM Chronic? No Brainer? Just Pray? We could cook it, grow it, package it, sell it, eat it, smoke it. Go capitalism! 

  I've already talked to my lawyer SUV (not Milawyer) and next week we are scheduled to "brain storm." That's another good name for product. Of course there will be hurdles and the whole thing could be a complete waste of time, but I'm more than used to that. 22-Skidoo......I got a million of 'em.   


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