Friday, March 11, 2022


 "As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine we have temporarily made allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules like violent speech such as 'death to the Russian invaders.' We still won't allow credible calls for violence against Russian civilians," a Meta spokesperson said in a statement.

    I've always had a love/hate relationship with social media. I love it because of its obvious power to democratize communication and allow anyone with an internet connection to become not merely a receiver, but a transmitter. Coming of age as an artist in the 1970's, this was a distant dream for us TV addicts. But, this freedom came with a psychological dark side. Simple terms like"friend," "follower" and the seemingly innocent "like," all carry unbelievable power when attached to a fb or insta account. If not recognized and controlled they can control you. The other thing that drove me nuts was powerful algorithm that could recognize and flag a nipple across international borders. Multiple warnings and temporary bans for nipple usage ended in my permanent removal from the platform. Serial killers, Nazis and white supremacists can still buy a used car on fb marketplace. Not the convicted nipple fiend.

    The statement at the top of the page made the news yesterday and barely raised a ripple of notice. But, it got my attention. I couldn't believe the tone deaf narcissism, the clueless arrogance of one of the richest, most powerful corporations in the world. To "temporarily" remove hate-speech and "calls for violence" guardrails smacks of something that Trump would do. In fact, they might as well let Trump back on the platform and allow him to spew his vitriol temporarily. The thin noodle of qualification sparing "Russian civilians" from facebook death threats is laughable. These Russian soldiers (some conscripts) are kids, brainwashed (just like U.S. soldiers) into believing their cause is just. Do they deserve this hatred sent their way? How can these mega-rich capitalists sleep at night? The power they have over the youth is omniscient. They could have sent a message of peace, love not hate to their users but chose to incite. Instead, they wallow in their most base instincts, spreading more violence. Their masks have come off revealing the beasts that they are. Do not be drawn in! First they came for the nipples.....           

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