Sunday, December 25, 2022


      No. Not that "third world." The one I'm talking about is the art world. Like the deer hunting and everyday American worlds I inhabit, I'm an unwilling inhabitant in the rarified "art" world. Even though my shit is weird, not commodified, recognized nor financially supported, this is the only "world" that makes any sense to accommodate me. Music? Nope. Not good enough. Writing? Huuummmm....I think I'm great, but nobody else does. So that leaves art. And there I'm king. You can't touch me. It's not braggy to say that the art world has overlooked my genius for almost a half century. I'm not bitter nor complaining, just pointing out a truth, a point of fact. I'm really, REALLY good.  

    This is why, if I hadn't become an artist I would have become a lawyer. Both artists and lawyers deal in truth. For an artist it is subjective. In the best case scenario a lawyer delivers an objective truth before the bench. He either wins or loses the argument. In art there is never a definitive resolution other than the marketplace. And, as I said, I have no market. But when it comes to the law and art, I do know a thing or two.

    There is real currency in sheer perseverance. The law (art) of survival.  People may have a tendency to refer to you as "an artist's artist." But who cares? That means you can't sell anything but younger, way more successful artists, think you are cool for lasting this long. My critic and curator friend Chuckles says he hears the term "legendary" all the time. Then the youth pay homage with a drink ticket and a slap on the back. This is the plight of the old and obscure. We exist one small step away from sitting  obliviously on the crapper as the man with the long pole pushes the ice flow out to sea.

    Thank God Xmas has only seven hours left and deer season starts up again tomorrow. Art and the law will  have to wait until next year. Once again a reason to live.                   

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