That old fuck Bukowski used to brag about how pretty his legs were. Well, he may be a better writer than I, but he's got nothing on my legs.
After waiting all morning for word from the garage, I finally called (for the 4th time) and got a thumbs up. I now needed a ride. Shewho was supposed to be in Rock Hill but her plans changed. It being election day she went to the dump, only to find it was closed (again). I called up a couple of friends and got voice mail. Were people avoiding me? Fed up with the world, I decided to burn off my anger with a 3 mile walk to the garage. Around old man Jaffe's farm I spied a chainsaw on the edge of the road. Before I could get to it a town worker pulled his truck over and grabbed it. I asked the guy for a lift. "Sorry." he said, "The last time I gave a guy a lift I almost got fired. Town of Fallsburg policy." Obviously there is no "good samaritan" clause in the town contract. Passing the roadside altar for the two kids killed by the judge, I was almost to Dollar General when a car pulled over and a friendly face popped out. I was Emma Voegelin. She drove me the last 100 yards to the garage.
My entire trek was at a brisk 3 mph pace. All that walking up and down Denniston Hill had gotten me in shape. I thanked the LGM for my legs. Of course, we need to keep things in perspective. Pissed off as I was, no bombs were falling on my head. I had a warm house to go home to. Cheeky was curled up asleep in the chair. I have food, water, ammunition and good healthcare.
I have to admit that my sanctimonious, insta-outrage posts seem to have little effect on the Middle East situation and so far I haven't seen a shooter buck. But, things are looking up. I got my truck back and I can drive to Woodridge to vote. This afternoon I have options where to hunt. The weather is mild, but the rut is on. Anything can happen. Years ago I shot my first bow buck on election day. I must say, my legs are as pretty now as they were back then. Take that Bukowski!
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