After butchering that little buck, I finally had time to reflect. But it didn't work. The adrenalin brought on by the Social Sculpture Park drama had worn off. So instead of reflecting (or hunting) I fell asleep.
Now well rested, I can take stock. The buck is in the freezer. I've had no luck getting a doe. Last night I hunted the Picasso farm again. It's a comfortable sit. Even if I don't see deer, I love the view. And I did see deer. A high spike stepped out by the curve in the river and ran across the full length of the field, finally halting nose up at Savage's old high stand. I lost sight of him, as a small doe stepped out. A dink - too small to shoot. I watched her for an hour. Just before sunset a tiny spike appeared from behind me, ran toward the dink as a large doe stepped out giving me a clear shot.
I forgot to describe what had happened as I was watching the dink. A thick carpet of fog about three feet high had slowly drifted from the curve in the river towards GNJohn's property line, almost erasing the two deer in the field, but not the large doe. I settled the crosshairs on her shoulder as the fog crashed (ever so slowly) into the tree line, folding back on itself. The dink raised her (his?) head as the doe made a beeline for them. If I was going to shoot I had to shoot NOW!
I couldn't. The dink licked her mamma's neck. They nuzzled each other gently at 125 yards broadside, exhibiting offspring/parental affection and real "deer" connection...... as I fidgeted the safety on my 30-06. The fog was quickly engulfing them. I'd already decided not to shoot by the time they disappeared. I was good with that. Tomorrow morning I'll go back. Patience. Leave the Social Sculpture drama and pending lawsuits in the truck. I'm getting back in the groove. I think my luck is about to change.
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