Friday, January 5, 2024


 "Adjacent can refer to two things that touch each other or have the same wall or border." That's how the internet defines it. "Adjacent" is how S. Birka Budde described HWS. "It's kinda personal....but...." It's the but that makes what I do relevant for community consumption. My adjacency to others in the community gives me a certain perspective that immersion would not. It's the sharing of these oft-crossed borders and climbed walls that makes experiencing it (and writing about it) worthwhile and a helluva lot of fun. 

Now that hunting season, and the holidays are behind us Thursday nights at my house can convene again. Last night we had Pigpen Rothman, the Buddes, Judge and Miss Polly Brennan, and my new neighbor Gen F in attendance. Everyone brought whatever it was they were drinking or smoking and bags of munchies and dip for all. From 6:30 pm until a little after 10:00 pm we solved the world's problems, argued, laughed, ate, got loaded, and enjoyed our adjacency to each other. 

Part of this confab was also to de-brief on New Year's Eve, comparing our drug-addled memories against each other. I remembered my Tourettes kicking in at some point and becoming quite gropie. If I grabbed your ass without permission I apologize. I can be quite handsy when I feel that comfortable and adjacent. As my old man was fond of saying when a local debutante would perch on his lap, "Safe as in the arms of Jesus." My mother would just smile and roll her eyes. 

So if you are in the neighborhood on Thursdays, give me a call, or just drop by. Snow's coming and this is just the beginning of expressing our beautiful adjacency.  


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