Sunday, January 31, 2010


As my nieces and nephews start to pop out the spawn, my brothers and sister-in-laws are forming this closed little club. It's called grandparents. They positively glow with smugness. "I want to be called Pop-pop or Nana or Mima or Granny, or etc, etc." Wallets and pocketbooks are bulging with baby pics and every weekend is either a trip to "the kids" or another shopping spree to load up on crap for the newcomer. And where is Great Uncle Osti in all this? Shut out. I have to admit I'll never be a grandfather. Christ, I'll never be a father. It's just too late in the game. Sure, if I had the money I'd buy one. But in this economy that's not looking promising either.
Then, yesterday I was laying on the couch recovering from a week long cold, watching some movie, when a character called her great aunt- Aunt Grandma. I perked up. Hmmmmm. That had a nice ring to it. Could this be a way to join the club? Great Uncle just doesn't roll off the tongue. But Uncle Gramp- that's another story. So I'm giving notice to my great niece Payton and my great nephew Matthew. That's what I want to be called. In the meantime you can just call me UG. Coochi-coo.


At January 31, 2010 at 4:13 PM , Blogger Matthew (a.k.a. Little D) said...

Just because my grandparents refer to themselves as Nanna and Gramp, it doesn’t mean I’m going to call them that. As with them, I’ll call you what I want. So don’t worry- you’re in the club.


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