Tuesday, November 14, 2023


 As you can surmise from my silence, the action has been less than stellar in the woods. All reports from other hunters are the same. Nobody is seeing shit. 

So I spend my days on Al Jazeera watching the horror in Gaza, laying out more books (see image above for latest), and trying to recovery from the Vids. I've hunted a couple of mornings with no action. This morning I planned on going out, but when the alarm went off Cheeky stretched out his cute little paw and  hit the clock. So I slept in. Another source of entertainment is deer hunting videos on Youtube. This manic switching back and forth between war and deer porn, book lay out, along with chores (like doing the dishes) fills my day until it's time to get in the tree. I was painting, but it's too cold in the church, and my European collectors came and went with no transactional activity. I did get a half gallon of milk, some beef broth, and a big block of American cheese, when they cleaned out the Fridge. Instead of a market I have a "supermarket."

Along with the videos, Bird sent me a photo of a nice buck alongside the road (where Shultz's bar used to be) in Yankee Lake. I also offer said buck above. There's no much else to report. The war continues, as does the season. This should be peak of the rut. We should be seeing all kinds of activity. What's going on? I don't have a clue.     


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