Sunday, July 14, 2013


 This is what George Zimmerman told an interviewer after he was asked if he had any regrets concerning the killing of Trayvon Martin on a rainy sidewalk in Sanford, Fl.  Last night the jury found Mr. Zimmerman not guilty of the charges of 2nd. degree murder or the lesser charge of manslaughter in the death of TM. God's will? I know ya'll can't wait for hunting season and an end to this frustrating discourse. But hey, it's only mid-July. The bucks are still in velvet and we gotta have something to talk about. So in the meantime it's murder trials, hunger strikes, racism, espionage and the ongoing quest to see supermodel tittie on the air. Bare with me.
   On my breaks between building the cage for The Lion of Judah I was glued to the Zimmerman trial. I admit I'd already made up my mind concerning this trial. This was a cluster fuck from day one. After the shooting Zimmerman was kicked loose. Mistake number one- citing Florida's "Stand your ground" law local Sanford authorities felt they did not have the evidence to charge Zimmerman with a crime. So he walked. Only after public outcry, and 40 some days, did the police eventually arrest and charge Zimmerman with second degree murder. Mistake number two- a politically driven "over charge". Now all the players could make a big show of the trial and as we now see, fail in attaining a conviction. The system works.
   George Zimmerman may be a lot of things: a wannabe cop, a wimp, a weakling, a coward, a calloused man, who stood around as a 17 year old boy died at his feet, without ever crying out for an ambulance or dialing 911....but a premeditating murderer? The state never had a chance in proving that. And don't doubt for one minute they did not know that. It was all a charade. Everyone, from the prosecution, to the defense, to the CNN talking heads, were in on it. They put on the show and we all lapped it up. And now George Zimmerman walks a free man. Trayvon Martin never saw 18. God's will?  I can't wait for October.


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