Thursday, November 5, 2020


 This is the working title of my new book. How can any publisher resist? Two days into the election and just like in 2016 the mysteriously misunderstood "working white person" is once again being held up as the reason for this nail-biter election. After four years of ineptitude, racism and criminality under the Trump administration, you'd think we'd know them by now. Again, the clueless Dems. are falling all over themselves in apologetic Thursday morning quarterbacking. "We have to listen to them. We have to learn how to talk to them......those.....what do you call them....Johnny Lunch buckets..... " moans  CNN talking head Don Lemon. Well Don that's a very good start towards understanding.

    It's 5:42 am and the past couple of days have been a blur of dribbling election results, disappointment (in and out of the woods), fear, terror, and an overall resolve that America is more fucked up than ever. The palpable nausea is now overwhelming. Even if Biden somehow squeaks out a win, it is obvious we as a people are stuck so deep in our own shit we can't see daylight. The deer hunting hasn't been much better. I keep strategizing on three different shooter bucks and they all seem to have crawled in their holes. The woods are silent. Long hours in the tree are just opportunities to get away from the drip, drip of vote reveals and attempts to stay calm. Thank God I have somewhere to go.

   But back to that illusive white person that after four years of leftist media attention focused on the hovels and hollers of bug fuck nowhere 'merica, NPR and CNN still can't figure those wily white folks  out. Well, let me give you some insight. As my brother Bird (who is way more of a "working" person than I) put it, "The common denominator with Trumpies seems to be racism." This is why a sleazy NY real estate developer/reality TV star/president can communicate with working, white America. It's not jobs, taxes, the pandemic or the health and welfare of their fellow citizens that concerns Trump voters. It's what specific language (habla ENGLISH!) that is spoken by the neighbor and what consaguinal ancestry (white European) produces a particular skin color, that most concerns the Trump voting populace. The sun is coming up. I gotta get in the woods. Six states are too close to call. I'll be back..... 

 10:28 am

   I'm home. At 7:00 am I had the buck I've been hunting walk down a wood road by the river, 60 yards in front of me. He considered coming into my shooting lane and then thought better and continued down the road. Then the wind shifted and he caught my scent and spun. Busted! He was gone. 

At 8:00 am a small 6 pointer came in behind me, stiff legged and wary, then walked away. The bucks are cruising. Things are looking up.

     For those of you who don't know where Shewho and I live here's a small sketch from a London newspaper of Shewho's little village of White Sulphur Springs- We both live in Trump country. I asked Bird how he dealt with all his Trumpie fellow workers on election day? "Nobody mentioned it." he said. That's the only way to get through the day in this neck of the woods. That's the key Don Lemon and all you NPR and Guardian editors- it's not what you say to a white person, rather what you don't say. Need your car worked on, a plumber to fix your pipes, a gun or ammo? All you have to do is zip it and open up your pocket book. I had the recent experience of trying to buy some arrows and being ordered to "Take off that mask." I just remained masked, stared straight ahead and calmly told the Trump fuck what I wanted to buy. Once the checkbook came out he forgot all about his Covid denial. Money speaks almost as loudly as ignorance.

    The one Trump flag I love is the one that says FUCK YOUR FEELINGS! Right back at ya motherfuckers. My advice to the left leaning politicos and the media (as I start to outline this new book) is simple. Those "poor," disenfranchised, misunderstood, dismissed, white people with their $60,000 pick ups, $2,700 AR-15s (with all the bells and whistles), camo and tactical gear are gaslighting you just like their hero Donald Trump. They are not forgotten, overlooked or poor. They are mean spirited, ignorant, narrow minded, greedy and blind to the fact that grandma just died of Covid-19. Now that interest rates are at historic lows, it's time to refinance the speed boat, add onto the double wide and maybe buy a jet ski. Oh, the poor forgotten country bumpkins. We elites just don't understand them. BULLSHIT!

   The media has to realize that the more the pundits opine over their professed ignorance of rural, white America, the more power they give the beast. I went to college in the South, but the most racist white people I ever met lived in upstate NY and had hardly ever interacted with a black person their entire lives. They learned their racism through family and the TV. FOX News recognizes this fact, as do all Republicans. Fear of the "other" (warranted or not) is a great motivator. It's now 11:25 EST and the CNN headline reads: RAZOR THIN MARGIN. I want Biden to win. I do. But either way I'm prepared for the worst. Watch for my new bestseller and wish me luck on that buck. You understand white people way better than you think you do.                 


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